CADCA Annual National Leadership Forum and SAMHSA Annual Prevention Day

One Voice Program Director Peggy Dowd, and Project Coordinator Alison Belli recently attended CADCA's Annual National Leadership Forum and SAMHSA's Prevention Day at National Harbor MD. 

As part of SAMHSA's annual Prevention Day on January 30th, Peggy presented alongside partners from Prevention Resources on "Prevention in All Spaces" - highlighting the prevention work within our faith communities in Hunterdon County. The presentation focused on how to reduce community barriers with creative techniques and methods to reach underserved populations, including rural pockets, LGBTQ+, and the Latino community. During the week, Alison led an impromptu yoga session, "Music a Bridge to the Mind/Body Connection" - illustrating the program, focused on positive coping skills, most recently kicked off at South Hunterdon Regional High School. 


One Voice workshop at South Hunterdon High School: "MUSIC, a Bridge to Mind/Body Connection"


One Voice Coalition End of Year Celebration