Faith-Based Outreach
Faith-based leaders of the community are an important tool in protecting our youth and preventing substance misuse. The priests, rabbis, and other religious leaders in Hunterdon County community create a strong, common message to help spread awareness on the dangers of substance abuse, the importance of mental health in adolescents and young adults, and other community concerns.
Faith leaders have a respected and strong voice within their congregations and can make a significant difference in community outreach. The power of the faith community is strong, and religious leaders often have a substantial impact within their community!
Since 2013, a topic of interest and concern is identified by the One Voice Coalition, with the vision that in every place of worship, on the same weekend, faith leaders raise awareness and provide support on a particular topic. The power of One Voice is to reach thousands of people in one weekend with an important message that affects our community.
Prior to the launch of the annual One Voice weekend, a Summit is held to introduce the topic and provide resources and support for how the information can be disseminated by faith leaders. These events are attended not just by the faith community, but also by legislators, local government officials, law enforcement, prevention professionals and school personnel.
One Voice Summit and Weekend topics have included:
2023—Connection is Key
2022—Shepherding our Youth with Hope
2021—Prevention Through the Lens of Faith
2020—Resilience & Coping Methods during Times of Social Distancing To Prevent Substance Misuse
2019—The Harmful Effects of Teen Vaping
2018—Weekend of Compassion and Hope (for people suffering from Addiction)
2017—The Vital Role of Faith Communities in Overcoming the Addiction Crisis
2016—The Heroin Epidemic—Healing through Faith
2015— Harms of Marijuana on our Youth
2014—Suicide Prevention
2013—Prescription Drug Misuse
Outreach in our Faith-Based communities can include:
· Host stigma free event partnering with Hunterdon County Family Support Center.
· Host religious education classes for kids and parents with One Voice as guest speaker.
· Host One Voice event with youth group/youth ministry.
· Utilize reflections from liturgy linking substance misuse during services.
· Publish information in bulletins or on website and social media.
· Become a recovery congregation (hold support groups) – disseminate information on other places of worship that hold meetings in Hunterdon County.
· Promote the Family Support Center of Hunterdon and Open-Door Recovery Center.
· Attend educational speaker series for faith leaders.
· Host the HOPE ONE van at your place of worship.
· Add a prevention component to spiritual retreats.
· Host a Prescription Drug Take Back Event after religious services one weekend.
· Provide screening tools for at-risk members of congregation .
· Strengthening Families program (bilingual).
· Faith Leader Spotlight video series – let the community get to know you and your place of worship.
Faith leaders are highly encouraged to participate in the following activities:
1. Pray for the success of our One Voice initiatives.
2. Disseminate information in a manner most appropriate for your congregation. Suggested methods may be during sermons, guest speaker, service announcements, bulletin insert or a combination of these suggested methods. This is typically 1 – 2x a year.
3. Provide information in bulletins, emails, websites, etc., encouraging the congregation to participate in prevention activities and in the discussion of the identified topic.
4. Provide the following link to the One Voice website, so your congregation can visit us for additional information and resources. www.onevoicehc.com.
For more information about Faith-Based Outreach, please contact Chief Development Director Peggy Dowd: peggy@onevoicehc.com