Dr. Loew and Patel Patient Appreciation Day/World Kindness Day
November 12, 2024 - Dr. Loew and Patel Patient Appreciation Day/World Kindness Day
Owlbert was on hand at Branchburg's Sports Complex as part of Loew and Patel Orthodontic's Patient Appreciation Day to remind everyone to Make Wise Choices! Owlbert and One Voice Outreach Coordinator Carolanne Sherwood, handed out stickers and coloring pages with the message Be a Buddy, Not a Bully to over 180 kids, thank you Dr. Patel for the invitation!
Cub Scout Meeting
November 9, 2024 - Cub Scout Meeting
Youth Outreach Coordinator Amy Torres worked with Cub Scouts to teach yoga and mindfulness in order to fulfill the Physically Strong and Mentally Awake part of their BEAR STRONG personal fitness adventure requirement. Beginning with conversations around heart rate, muscles, relaxing activities, coping strategies and personal space, Amy introduced music and mood, and then led a 30-minute yoga routine with the boys. Parents were also present and participated in a group discussion about discreet ways to do mindfulness in the classroom. Thank you Melissa Conte for coordinating this event with us!
Norwescap PAC
November 8, 2024 - Norwescap PAC (use attached picture of Amy and group - can you blur the face of the one little girl?)
On Friday November 8, One Voice Youth Outreach Coordinator Amy Torres led a Yoga Ed program with breathwork and prevention education with parents and kids at Flemington Presbyterian Church, partnering with Norwescap as part of the Parent Association Committee (PAC). Utilizing tools such as pinwheels, bubbles and balloons, Amy taught parents techniques to calm children during a tantrum. In addition, Amy reviewed coping strategies and information on safe medicine disposal, marijuana legalization, 911 Lifeline Legislation and the 988 Crisis Hotline. All 13 parents received a Parent Toolkit.
One Voice Steering Committee Meeting
November 18, 2024 - One Voice Steering Committee Meeting
The One Voice Coalition Steering Committee Meeting was held on Monday 11/18. Thanks to our steering committee for engaging in conversation about ways to educate parents on securing alcohol, marijuana and Rx drugs in the home. If we reduce access, then we reduce youth substance use. If you are interested in joining the One Voice Coalition Steering Committee Meeting, please contact Peggy Dowd at peggy@onevoicehc.com. We meet bi-monthly.
One Voice Weekend
During the weekend of October 25-27, 2024, One Voice Weekend, we encouraged our Hunterdon County faith leaders to partner in prevention and share information about the 911 Lifeline Legislation and 988 Suicide Crisis Hotline with their congregations. The power of outreach through our faith leaders, trusted voices in our community, is to reach thousands of people in one weekend as we speak with 'one voice' to reduce the stigma of substance use disorder and mental illness and provide resources to families.
Saturday was also National DEA Takeback Day - a perfect opportunity to clean out your medicine cabinets and dispose of unused or expired medicine. Visit our website for Rx drop box locations. www.onevoicehc.com.

Whitehouse Elementary School - Red Ribbon Week
October 25, 2024
Whitehouse Elementary School - Red Ribbon Week: Owlbert visited the kids at Whitehouse Elementary Schoo as part of Red Ribbon Week Activities and assembly. "Be a Buddy Not a Bully" and "Making Wise Choices" was part of the theme of the day!
11th Annual Faith Forum
One Voice of Hunterdon hosted their 11th annual Faith Forum on October 16, 2024. A key component of One Voice outreach is to promote prevention through our faith communities. This coming weekend, October 25-27, we encourage all of our county faith leaders to share the important information and resources obtained at the Faith Forum, in particular the 911 Lifeline Legislation and 988 Suicide Crisis Hotline. A huge THANK YOU to Hunterdon County Prosecutor Renee Robeson, Hunterdon Behavioral Health and Peter Gatto at RHUB for their valuable presentations and to the Hunterdon County Department of Health for providing screenings and resources.
Robert Hunter PTO Trunk or Treat
October 11, 2024
One Voice would like to thank Robert Hunter PTO for inviting One Voice to their first Trunk or Treat event! Owlbert joined in the fun handing out goodie bags to the kids with the message to Be a Buddy, Not a Bully!
Crimestoppers honor Sheriff Fred Brown
October 10, 2024 - One Voice was grateful for the opportunity to support Crimestoppers and honor Sheriff Fred Brown, who has been a wonderful partner in prevention. Sheriff Brown has been an integral part of DEA Takeback Days and the efforts to dispose of unwanted or expired Rx drugs. A well-deserved honor, Sheriff Brown, congratulations!
Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing
October 7, 2024
One Voice of Hunterdon was proud to support the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce golf outing on 10/7/24. The Chamber is a wonderful partner in prevention!
All participants received information on the importance of the New Jersey 911 Lifeline Legislation and 988 Suicide Crisis Hotline.